Family-School Compact
Parent Pledge
I will:
- Send my child to school every day, ready to learn
- Understand and support the school policies and discipline codes to ensure a safe learning environment
- Model tolerance and social grace
- Be an active, positive and responsible participant in my child’s learning process by monitoring: his/her agenda, Skyward information, online homework, and MSC website
- Let the teacher(s) know if my child has any problems or situations that may affect his/her learning
- Encourage my child to read
- Have high expectations for my child in all classes
- Communicate with my student and school regularly
- Create a partnership with the school
Student Pledge
I will:
- Come to school every day prepared and willing to learn
- Follow school policies and procedures to help create a safe learning environment
- Display tolerance and social grace
- Prepare for and complete tests, quizzes and my assignments on time and in a quality manner
- Be an active, positive, and responsible participant in the learning process
- Let my teacher and family know if I have problems learning
- Look for opportunities to read
- Have high expectations for myself in all classes
- Communicate with my parents and teachers regularly
- Create a partnership with the school
School Pledge
We will:
- Come to school every day prepared to teach
- Enforce school policies and procedures fairly and consistently to create a classroom environment that is comfortable for all students
- Model tolerance and social grace
- Design lessons that are relevant and interesting
- Continually strive to improve my teaching strategies and meet the needs of all my students
- Encourage my students to read
- Have high expectations for all students and myself
- Communicate with students and parents regularly
- Create a partnership with our families