Central News & Info
Enrolling at CGMSC
Students new to Center Grove and who plan to attend Center Grove Middle School Central can enroll by going to www.centergrove.k12.in.us/enrollnow. Items you will need to bring to school for enrollment:
- Name and Address of former school
- Birth Certificate
- Utility Bill or Copy of Lease showing new address (proof of residency)
- Emergency & Medical Contact Information (including immunization records)
- There are several forms to be filled out, so feel free to take a packet home if needed and return it with items above and completed forms.
Illness Guidelines
Students should be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication (i.e. Tylenol) for24 hours before returning to school. If your child has an illness associated with vomiting and/or diarrhea, they should not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode. This helps prevent further spread of viruses and bacteria, and to promote a healthier environment for all. Our goal at CGMSC is to keep kids healthy and in school. It is important for all students to adhere to our illness guidelines in order to reach this goal.
If your student needs to be released early, please use Skyward Family Access.
Appointments/Early Dismissals On the day of your student's appointment, it is very important that you have your student bring a note to the office before school begins for the day. The note should state what time and why they are leaving. Then, the student will receive an early dismissal slip and be put on the early dismissal list distributed to all staff. Prior notification completely eliminates a classroom disruption and helps to assure that your student will be waiting in the office and ready to go when you come to sign them out. We understand that last-minute things come up, but we do ask that you keep walk-up requests or last-minute phone calls to send a child to the office to leave early kept to a minimum. When picking up your child for appointments, please go directly to the Main Office to sign them out. When a student returns from a mid-day appointment, the student should sign back in at the Main Office and turn in his/her doctor's note if they have one.
Lunch Deposits
Deposits need to be placed in the box located outside the cafeteria before 9:30 a.m. in order to be credited for that day.
Student Deliveries
To limit classroom disruptions, we process deliveries brought in by parent/guardians during lunch and at the end of the day. Items needed at other times may be picked up in the office by students during a passing period. Students are aware of our policy and know we will NOT call them for delivered items.
School Calendar
You may view our school calendar online.